Fill out the form below to register for Event ID [2137]

Step 1 → Step 2 → Step 3

Did you know?

If you sign in to your Events for Chess member account at the time of registration, your registration will be linked to your account so it can be accessed at a later time. You will also be able to auto-populate registration fields based on your member account information. If you are not already a member, join today!

Enter a US Chess member ID:


Forgot your US Chess ID? Look it up on the US Chess Player Search

Not a US Chess member?
Hunter College Campus Schools offers a 1 year US chess membership for scholastic participants (school grades K-12) for $13 USD. This offer is valid for NEW or EXPIRED memberships.

For new memberships, join US Chess during the registration process:

For expired memberships:
Enter your US Chess member ID in the form above and our registration system will take you to the appropriate form.


Online registration for this event will not be available after February 28, 2025 at 5:00 PM EST